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Aktivitas ISEI - Conference

Laporan Kegiatan : The 46th FAEA Conference

29 December 2023

Opening Ceremony


Plenary Session

Speaker 1: Chair of BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency), Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati, Ph.D

Speaker 2: Deputy Minister Pahala Nugraha Mansury, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia

Speaker 3: Assistant Director/Head of Enterprise and Stakeholder Engagement Division, Amri Bukhairi Bakhtiar, ASEAN Secretariat

Speaker 4: Senior Resident Representative Dennis Botman, International Monetary Fund

Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dinna Prapta Raharja, PhD, Faculty Member at the International Relations Department of Binus University and Executive Director of think-tank Synergy Policies

Booth UMKM & Bank:

Booth UMKM & Bank:
YSS Production and Style Creative Batik
Batik Khasanandy Alra Creatives
Sate Nusa, Rejavu Notes Coffee
Bakpia Merlino Bakpia A1
Yoga Djaya Herbal Drink Bank Mandiri


Parallel Session


Press Conference



Official Meeting

Head delegation from: ISEI, MEA, PES, ESS, EST, VEA, CEA

FAEA 46th Declaration

Komunike berisikan 10 poin komitmen dan pernyataan yang disampaikan kepada publik berisi isu-isu ASEAN/ Global saat ini yang menjadi perhatian bersama dan menjadi hasil konsensus anggota FAEA.



Pokok Kesepakatan:

  1. 10 Points Deklarasi FAEA Members tahun 2023
  2. Tuan rumah FAEA 47 Conference tahun 2024: Economic Society of Thailand (EST)


Event Highlight