Breaking News! ISEI Dorong Akselerasi Akreditasi & Indeksasi Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis, dan Akuntansi (EMBA)

Aktivitas ISEI - Sidang Pleno/ Kongres

The XXIII ISEI Plenary Session and ISEI National Seminar were attended by 51 branches

22 September 2023

The ISEI XXIII Plenary Session and ISEI 2023 National Seminar on Friday (15/9) were successful. This year's plenary session was attended by 51 ISEI branches from all Indonesian regions. These branches are under 3 main regional coordinations, namely eastern regional coordination, central regional coordination and western regional coordination.

ISEI XXIII Plenary Session agenda evaluates program achievements in 2023 and formulates future plans. The assembly agreed on the report of the Central Management of the Indonesian Economic Scholars Association (PP-ISEI), in this case the General Chair of ISEI, the General Treasurer, along with reports from the four ISEI divisions and the Coordinator of the Western, Central and Eastern Regions regarding their achievements during 2022 to 2023. Submission of their respective achievements -Each field and regional coordinator is a real implementation of the ISEI AD/ART which is forward looking, structured and integrated, as well as being a guide in the implementation of both central and regional administrators. Apart from that, submitting this report is an effort to strengthen the inclusiveness of the organization and ISEI members with the spirit of ABG (Academic, Business, and Government) synergy.